Self Identity Self-Portrait

Raegan Olvera

The picture above, kind of describes who I am right now. My mindset is a huge part of who I am. My mindset often influences how I carry myself, how I show up for myself, how I go about in my day-to-day life. For one, the smiley face describes how happy I am right now. The" heart myself" means that I'm in a stage of my life where I'm learning to love myself in different formats and ways. The "TXST" describes that I'm a student right now, and how I love learning new things. The sun describes my love for hiking and going to the river. The check mark describes how determined I am in my every day-today life. My mindset is always changing but my main goal is to be successful in life, and not just in one aspect, but all aspects. 

A Few Things About Me:

I think my mindset has to do with who I am. I often believe that your mindset sets the tone of who you are in the moment. Manifestation and prayer also tune into of how you speak on and towards your life. My dad shaped my identity, in a positive way. He's showed me what I deserve, what I don't, how to love myself, how to lean on family, how to trust my gut, how to take chances, and many more. Truthfully, I'm like my dad in several ways and I'm very grateful for his guidance and love. I feel like a lot of my identities aren't visible. The people that know me, only know me from deep and sincere conversations. But at the same time, these identities are also physical, when I have to show up, educate or defend something. Having one conversation can open new conversations, ideas, and acknowledgements. Self identity is important, and we all need to respect, learn, and educate ourselves on other people's identities, rather than just our own. A lot of identities are not always shown or acknowledged, but we as humans, have to a better job at getting to know more than the surface level of people. Identities carry who we are deep down.


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